Video produced and directed by Robert Gordon, edited by Laura Jean Hocking or Eileen Meyer.
University of Memphis/Special Collections: 2 school photos; Jim Stewart and Estelle Axton;
Stax Museum of American Soul Music: Booker T. Jones; Memphis Horns; William Bell; Capitol Theater
William Bell: Del Rios
Jonas Berholm: Estelle Axton outside Stax
All performance footage courtesy of Brian Guinle
Sid Selvidge interview courtesy of True Story Pictures/Joann Selvidge
Furry sweeping street courtesy of Historic Films
Photos courtesy University of Memphis/Special Collections
John Fry interviews courtesy of Big Star: Nothing Can Hurt Me and Ardent Studios
Jim Dickinson interview courtesy of True Story Pictures/Joann Selvidge
John Hampton interview courtesy of Big Star: Nothing Can Hurt Me
All photos courtesy of Ardent Studios except:
Andy Hummel and Chris Bell together courtesy of Michael Manning
John Hampton and John Fry together, courtesy of John Hampton’s family
Alex Chilton and Chris Bell in studio and Big Star 1972 courtesy of Michael O’Brien
Isaac Hayes in Cadillac courtesy of Stax Museum of American Soul Music
All video interview courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution
All photos courtesy of Ann Peebles and Don Bryant except:
Willie Mitchell photo courtesy of University of Memphis/Special Collections
Photo of Willie Mitchell courtesy of Willie Mitchell family
Photo of John and Yoko courtesy of Stax Museum of American Soul Music
All video interview courtesy of Tremolo Productions
Al Bell and Jim Stewart at desk and Al Bell at desk by API Photographers
Jim Stewart and Estelle Axton courtesy of University of Memphis/Special Collections
Al Bell courtesy of Stax Museum
Stax Museum courtesy of Charles Okle
All video courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution except:
Wattstax footage courtesy of Concord Records
Willie Hall interview courtesy of Tremolo Productions
Stax Museum of American Soul Music: James Alexander; Bar-Kays group photo (3); Promo photo of Otis Redding; BarKays with Isaac Hayes
Advertisements from Tri-State Defender courtesy of Preston Lauterbach
University of Memphis/Special Collections: School photo; Temprees press release
Video interviews of Carla Thomas and Marvell Thomas courtesy of Smithsonian Institution
Beale Avenue; Rufus Thomas on stage; Rufus Thomas; Thomas family; Teen Town Singers courtesy of University of Memphis/Special Collections
Young Carla and Marvell Thomas courtesy of Marvell Thomas
Carla Thomas promo shot courtesy of Stax Museum
Capitol Theater courtesy of Stax Museum
Sam Phillips family: Sam Phillips; Roland Janes and J. M. Van Eaton; Sally Wilbourn
Johnny Cash: The Man, His World, His Music
Johnny Cash photos courtesy of University of Memphis/Special Collections
Memphis Recording Service photo courtesy of Sam Phillips family
Footage courtesy of Jim McDearman
Footage courtesy of Pat Rainer
Young Phineas Newborn photo courtesy of Calvin Newborn
Fred Ford interview footage courtesy of Ardent Studios
Phineas Newborn at the Shell performance courtesy of David Leonard
Video footage courtesy of the Sam Phillips family
Roland Janes photos; Little Green Men photo; band photo courtesy of the Roland Janes family
Jack Clement session photo courtesy of Jack Clement
Memphis Recording Service; Sam Phillips; performance photos; Roland Janes and Knox Phillips courtesy of the Sam Phillips family